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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 7

Howdy Scientists!

Week 7 is here!  This week we will be looking at DNA Replication and the Central Dogma.  What is the Central Dogma?  It is the way we believe information is taken from DNA and made into proteins.  This is very technical information.  Please use the PowerPoints and animations to help you understand the information.





Please complete the last two assignments of the semester and email them to me by the start of class in-seat next week.

We will be in-seat next week.  We will be doing a couple of experiments as well as reviewing for the take-home final exam.  Please being questions you have on the final exam to class next Tuesday.  The take home final exam can be found here:

It will be due Friday 11:59PM of Week 8.  No late exams accepted.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Week 6 - Genetics

Howdy Biologists!
This week we will be examining Genetics - Patterns of Inheritance.  For some of you this will be the most interesting section we cover.  

Please find the PowerPoints here: 

Please refer to the syllabus for your assignments.  Since we are not in class for the handout here is the replacement assignment 10.  At the end of each section in your textbook is a "CHECK YOUR PROGRESS" section in blue of about two to three questions.  The answers are in the back of the book.  What is your assignment?  To do those questions.  Send them to me without looking at the back of the book.  Then...check your answers.  I am not going to grade you on right or wrong  If you have answers to all questions that are reasonable, you will receive full credit....I want you to do the exercises and understand.  

For those with still outstanding assignments - the deadline is Saturday night 11:59PM Pacific Time.  This includes everyone who was on AT.  Believe me, I am still catching up from the exercise too and am swamped, but it is time to turn everything so I can do my job for Columbia.  Please include a copy of your orders.  Thanks!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 5 - Cell Cycle and Cell Reproduction

Howdy Biologists!  This week we will be looking at the Cell Cycle and Cell Division (Mitosis and Meiosis).

The Cell Cycle tutorial #1:

The Cell Cycle tutorial #2:

The PowerPoints for this section:

Assignments for Week 5:
Assignment #7 - Mitosis
Identify and describe the stages of mitosis.  The description should contain specific events that occur that are associated with that stage - a key indicator for each stage.  Please submit your homework NLT 8 July 16:30.  Please put your Name and assignment number in the subject line of your email.

Assignment 38 - Meiosis
Define the terms diploid and haploid.  Consider a single diploid cell.  If it undergoes mitosis, how many cells are formed and are they diploid or haploid?  If that same diploid cell undergoes meiosis, how many cells are formed and are they diploid or haploid?  Please submit your homework NLT 8 July 16:30.  Please put your Name and assignment number in the subject line of your email.

Cell division is the only path to immortality. Nondividing cells can live for as long as a hundred years, but they always eventually die.  - Shcleiden & Schwann

Questions from last week's session:  
1.  Infrared heaters work in the 780 nm to 1 mm wavelength.
2.  Carotenemia can be caused by eating lots of carrots.  They have beta-carotene.  Though it can be metabolized by the liver, The excess is deposited in lipids, like the skin of the palms and feet.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 4 - Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration

On Tuesday, 24 June, we will be examining Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration.  When you first read through it, it seems overwhelming.  But we will break it down in class.  Don't panic!  

Photosynthesis PowerPoints:

Cell Respiration PowerPoints:

Here is a link to the Midterm.  It is due 1 July by 4:30 PM.  If it is late, points will be deducted as outlined in the syllabus.
If you have any problems or questions, please let me know!  I am happy to help!

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Ahhh.. Here is Quiz #2 - a day or so late!

Because of my tardiness, your deadline will be 26 June 2014 at 11:59PM.  Thank you for your patience!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 3 - Membrane Structure- Metabolism, Energy, and Enzymes

Tomorrow (Tuesday 17 June 2014) will be on Membranes, metabolism, energy, and enzymes.  We will also review last week's material.  I know several of you had challenges and questions - so bring them to class!  I want to make sure you feel confident in the material.

The quiz for Week 3 will be available online tomorrow after our class.

So for tomorrow, here are the PowerPoints:

According to Director David, the AC is still not up.  So please dress accordingly as much as possible and bring hydration.  Myself - I will be fairly unprofessional and dress in shorts, t shirt, and ponytail.  Stay cool, my friends.